Time for another photo to celebrate a lovely day

Me and my guitar.
Today was a lovely day. Just one of those days when everything seems to click. The kiddies at school today were all in the mood to have fun and play music. That's what it is all about!!!
In the afternoon Meags and I had a practice so we are all set for the gig on Friday night. We, as usual, got distracted from what we were meant to do but today it was in a creative way, instead of the normal chit chat about life kinda way. ANYWAY, today was a landmark for us as we co-wrote a song for the first time as a duo!! We usually just write alone and then teach eachother what to play, but today was our first truly joint piece of creative work. Everything flowed nicely and we will be performing it right away on Friday night!!

Yay for photos! Oops, it came out a bit blurry. I'll try to hold more still next time.
Ha, It'll do. Still can't work out how to put in a profile photo Meags so I just thought I'd put it up on the blog!!
You are a great photographer, except when you take photos of me while I'm trying to concentrate on the phone in my "work" voice. Those photos shall be deleted!!
HAHA!!! They were the best ones! Go into edit your profile bit and there is a bit for a photo there. You have to host it on the web. I use photobucket.com then you can paste in the url in your blog photo bit in the profile bit.
The photos you sent me today were too big for it:( Will have to work out how to shrink them. But I don't mind looking like Dido for the time being:)
I can shrink them if you email me and tell which ones you wanted shrunk. Tell me the file names and I'll make them smaller.
ta blog support guru:)
I'm a blog support guru now? I like this new title! :)
better than the title of unemployed musician??
Hopefully that will change to employed musician with cd to sell by the end of the year!! watch out.
just testing new pic
ha, worked!!! thanks meags! My personal blog support Guru
WHOO!!! Glad I could be of help, and glad I have an exciting new title!
Hey ingi love the strap. Did you find it off ebay? Hey ingi wheres the sock? When are we going to sing into hair brushes and put lip gloss on? We can go KFC KD
those were the days!!!
Thanks for showing me that AWESOME website today..........
I think it was aquired taste.
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