The P word.

Me and the piano.

The 'P' word I should be doing is Playing the Piano, the 'P' word I am doing is Procrastinatng. Oh to be a student again. That's what a Blogs are for hey Megan, Kath:P. Great way to avoid doing more important things :)
Anyway Amanda has kindly lent me her digital camera for the time being so I am having a lot of fun with it. Mum learnt how to use it very quickly so took a few shots of me playing the piano. Oh the concentration, looks like I'm really playing hey! The songs called "play random notes for the camera".
Today was relaxing. Although I did get caught in the rain when I went for a run. Wasn't planning on doing any sprints today but was kinda forced into it when the hail appeared. Knackered me. Mum's so sweet, she had a hot bath ready for me when I got home. Must say thanks to the 4wd, BMW, Volvo drivers along the Boulevard who made sure they avoided pot holes when passing me (not)! Not that it made much difference, I was soaked through anyway.
Oh yeah, I should mention the gig last night. Thanks to those who came along, it was great to have some cheers from down the back!! The night was a lot of fun. Our next gig at the moment is late November, but we might try find an open Mic night to visit before then. We've had some bad luck though as the two open mic nights we have played at so far have shut down. :( So we'll have to have a look around.
ok, back to practicing.
Keep up with that practicing! I don't see how you would want to procrastinate that! I procrastinate by playing the piano! I got caught in the rain today too while I was walking with Kathryn. We got caught in the bucketing rain! Ug...
yeah i hear ya meags, the piano is enjoyable, but i find when the word 'exam' is added to the end of anything it's changes my view on it!
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