It comes with the Territory{ World of Ingi: September 2006

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Service and Standards

I think more and more these days that the consuming dollar needs to go to businesses that deserve it. Customer Service is almost a dirty word these days, and businesses that go against that trend are the ones that deserve the disposable income dollar more.
Erin has opened my world up to not just throw my hard earned dollars to anyone. I'd rather now by a sausage from a local school sports fund than from subway to pay their manager their millions. I tried to buy a spare bike tyre from a bike shop today but wasn't even acknowledged as I waited by the counter for a minute so I said stuff it and took my dollar elsewhere.
Meanwhile I'll keep buying kebabs from my local shop that knows I have lamb, lettuce, tomato and no sauce. Ah quality.
Also i've been mucking around with my own myspace site . have a look and let me know what you think of the tracks.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Where to start

Well it's been a while, but things have been hectic, and awesome all at once. Erin and I have a doggie, well a greyhound called Tassie, photos are coming soon. The new abode is going extremely well and I love living outta home. But the most pressing news is that Megan and I have a gig in a pub called fibbers on the 14th of September. We have new music to showcase and are very excited!

The details are

125 Smith Street
Thurs Sep 14th
9pm til about Midnight (we are on stage from 10-11p)

We also have a myspace address where our songs can be heard and the address is


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